11 July, 2024
Management careers: myth versus reality

One of the most common questions that Talent teams receive, both from people who are part of the organization and from candidates, is: “what is my career plan?”

On July 3rd, the seminar “Management Careers: The Myth Against Reality” was held, organized by LHH. The event was attended by Catalina Guevara, Chief People & Culture Officer of Allianz Spain; Leila Rettali, Global Talent and Organisational Development Head of Mango; and Rafael Fernández, Director of Talent Management, Culture and Learning of Cepsa.

It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to learn first-hand about the challenges faced  by companies from different sectors and to see, once again, that the challenge appears when people are ready to work together and thus companies end up facing similar challenges, regardless of the sector.

The speakers agreed that the career plan, like the succession plan, is still a document of intent that includes possible action plans or conversations; which may happen. Or not. They are useful documents that  cannot be asked to work as an automatic map that will take each person to their next professional challenge. Advancing in a career doesn’t always mean growing vertically; often, people take steps to the side or backward and then move forward.

In the distribution of the cards of the game, the Human Resources department plays a crucial role. Promoting personal development, identifying talents and ensuring that people have the necessary tools to give feedback are, among others, fundamental pillars for the sustained growth of any company. At the same time, it was clear that it is an area that orders and integrates, but does not supplant the responsibilities of each one.

This invitation for each person to know that they are the driver of their professional career is key to success. We often find people who formulate a desire to get to the next ladder only to feel frustrated or lost when they get there. It is essential to look for professional opportunities and be aware of what they entail. Having conversations to understand what each one wants and expects will help to avoid formulating castles in the air that end up in realities that are not the desired ones.

The key to success lies in understanding that freedom implies taking responsibility for what happens in life. In the everyday business environment, it’s important to remember that freedom and its consequences are your own. It is essential to take responsibility for the decisions you want to make and, to do so, to ask the necessary questions. Are you willing to grow? Are you aware of the image you are projecting? Do you want to assume what it means to be part of the next organizational level? Are you aware of the impact that is generated?

The answers are not found in a PowerPoint and provide a more valuable guide than relying on what someone once wrote in a document with colorful boxes. Taking on the challenge of developing one’s professional career in the direction that each one wants not only strengthens personal growth but also opens the doors to a future full of opportunities and significant achievements according to the life that each one wants for themselves.

So, let’s go for it!

Talent, Communication and CSR Team.