Our commitment
Thanks to our over 2,000 professionals who work every day doing their very best in accordance with the strictest standards and our commitment to excellence, sustainability and innovation, our work has been recognized through several awards over the years.

Esencial Costa Rica Country Brand, awarded by the Costa Rica Foreign Trade Promoter (PROCOMER).
Ruta 27
2021 to 2023

World Leader in Sustainability, in the transport infrastructures sector in ESG by GRESB (Global Reporting Sustainability Benchmark).
2020, 2019

Ecological Blue Flag, awarded by the National Ecological Blue Flag Committee in recognition of our efforts and voluntary work in the search for conservation and protection of the environment, and improving public health in Costa Rica.
Ruta 27 (Costa Rica)
2020, 2019, 2017

BNV Sustainability Awards, awarded by the National Stock Market (Costa Rica).
Ruta 27

Company of Excellence, awarded by the company Mutual Seguros de Chile, thanks to our Occupational Health and Safety Management System. We were the first Chilean concessionaire to be awarded this institutional standard certificate.
Autopista del Aconcagua
2021, 2020, 2019, 2018

Best Infrastructure Financing – Central America, awarded to Globalvia by the specialist journal LatinFinance for the refinancing transaction carried out on Ruta 27.
Ruta 27

Sustainable Energy Awards, awarded by SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland), in the "Small Business Award” category.
M50 Concession
Company of the Year Award by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Spain, awarded by OPTrust.

Runner-up in the Leading Transport Infrastructure Companies World Ranking for number of concessions, awarded to Globalvia by the journal Public Works Financing.
2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009