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Metro de Sevilla inaugurates its photovoltaic park

On March 24, Metro de Sevilla celebrated the start-up of its photovoltaic park in an inauguration ceremony that was attended by various representatives of the Junta de Andalucía, such as Mario Muñoz-Atante Sánchez, Deputy Minister of Development, Articulation of the Territory and Housing, Susana Cayuelas Porras, Territorial Delegate for Development, Articulation of Territory and Housing and Julio Jesús Caballero Sánchez, Managing Director of the Public Works Agency of the Junta de Andalucía.

During this day, Jorge Maroto, Managing Director of the Metro de Sevilla , explained this exciting project that again demonstrates our concession’s commitment to developing increasingly responsible and sustainable mobility.


Aerial view of the photovoltaic panels installed on the roof of Metro de Sevilla stations

Precisely, this photovoltaic park consists of installing 2,000 solar panels spread over the 5,800m2 of the roofs of the stations, workshops, and the central offices of the metropolitan to promote energy self-consumption. Thus, this park will supply 15% of the energy necessary for the metro operation.

The installation of the plates, which began in November 2022, when it began to produce energy, ended last February, supplying all the power that amounts to 1.3 MW. For this, Metro de Sevilla has collaborated with the company Enèrgya VyM, in charge of carrying out the installation of the photovoltaic solar park and its maintenance.

This milestone represents a further step for Metro de Sevilla in its sustainable consumption strategy, in line with SustaiMobility 2024, the Globalvia Group’s strategic sustainability plan, and also in line with the “Green Revolution” strategy led by the Andalusian Government at a national level and which, among other things, promotes the use of renewable energies in the public and private spheres.

Since 2014, Metro de Sevilla has worked to optimize the use of electrical energy, is an example of efficiency by reducing its consumption by 37%. In addition, since 2015, all the electrical energy it consumes comes from renewable energy sources and, since 2020, it has been carbon neutral. A commitment to sustainability that was internationally recognized in 2021 at the prestigious “Global Light Rail Awards”.


We congratulate our Metro de Sevilla team for this new sustainable milestone!