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Globalvia sponsor of the meeting with Father Ángel, organized by ICADE

A better world is possible” was the title of Father Ángel presentation during the breakfast organized by the Business Club ICADE this morning in Madrid, in the Wellington Hotel.

The religious man, who is from Asturias, highlighted among other ideas that, while it is true that there is still much poverty in the world, so is that there are more and more caring people and that’s the way to go.

During his intervention, Father Ángel exposed personal experiences that, both Messengers of Peace and the Father, founder of the Association in 1962, have been found over the years all over the world.

According to his view, those experiences helped him to create one of the most caring, active and recognized organizations in the world.

Messengers of Peace has been recognized, among other merits, the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord in 1994.

At the ceremony, the attendances had the chance to share views with Father Angel through a moderated discussion by the President of Globalvia, Juan Béjar, who was also responsible for closing the event with words of thanks and appreciation to  the special guest of the day.

Béjar highlighted the work Globalvia plays globally as infrastructure manager. After all, the infrastructure are linkers in the society and contribute to its development and to a better world.

He also stressed that, while all this is true, the fact of hear the personal experiences of the Father Ángel encourages to want to keep improving and contributing more and more to the development of society and the most disadvantaged.