Globalvia in PPPAmericas: “The keys to success of a PPP”

Santiago de Chile was the place chosen for the 2016 PPPAmericas‘ celebration, held from the 20th to the 22nd of June.

PPPAmericas is the most important meeting about public-private partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean, and a meeting point for infrastructure, financials and governmental professionals and even those working in the third sector, among others.

The summit, organized by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), were visited by over 330 participants from 23 countries. In its opening session, the Minister of Public Works of Chile, Alberto Undurraga, was the person in charge to  make the maiden speech.

Globalvia had the opportunity  to participate in the Plenary Session represented by its LATAM Highways Director, Javier Martín Rivals.

He intervened in the panel “APPs applied to intelligent mobilityfocused on sustainable mobility as one of the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations, which calls for the infrastructure development to make easier the movement of people in public transport in the city, over private transport.

Javier presented practical cases examples of greater and lesser success of projects whereby he has participated in Globalvia: Radials (unsuccessfully), Tranvía de Parla (success of demand but some financial problems) and Metro de Sevilla (success of demand and finances).

The stage was shared with the moderator, Eva Bufi, of PPP for Cities– IESE, Andrés Rebollo (CAINFRA), Tomas Melero (Transport Consortium Madrid) and Lionel Kaufmann (AWTO).

Globalvia‘s participation is the result of an invitation by the organization for being a member of the UN project: PPP for Cities, developed with the help of  IESE Barcelona, recognized as “Knowledge Center”.

If you want to see the whole conference, you can access through this link > I Plenary Session: “The keys to success of a PPP”