Today, Friday October 11, Globalvia has sponsored the Informative Breakfast organized by Executive Forum “From road safety to safe, connected and clean mobility“.
At the event, held at the Palace Hotel in Madrid, the General Traffic Director, Pere Navarro, María Luisa Castro, European Highways and USA Concessionaire Director of Globalvia and Berta Barrero, Head of Transport of Indra have participated.
After the welcome words offered by César Chiva, Director of Executive Forum, María Luisa has officially presented the event.
During her speech, María Luisa has highlighted the work and commitment of Pere Navarro about Road Safety and the reduction of accidents in our country. In addition, she pointed out that, as the Highway Director, she adopts DGT objectives regarding Road Safety as her own ones. Thus, she has explained that this matter is embedded in the culture of Globalvia and closely linked to all the facets of our activity.

From left to right: César Chiva, Executive Forum Director, Berta Barrero, Head of Transport of Indra, Pere Navarro, General Traffic Director, and María Luisa Castro, European Highways and USA Concessionaire Director of Globalvia
Then it was the turn of the Indra representative, co-sponsor of the event. Berta Barrero has highlighted the work of Indra in developing products adapted to the mobility of the 21st century and the need to link infrastructure and vehicles with technology to advance mobility.
After both interventions, Pere Navarro has carried out his conference presenting the three main causes of accidents: alcohol, speed and distractions, including the most significant mobile phone.
He has also exposed the current challenges of Spain in mobility; to focus on the safety of vehicles with less than four wheels and pedestrians, on the freight transport due to the boom in the online ordering business and on adapting to the culture of the shared use of the vehicle and the demand of young people regarding sustainability.
He has also highlighted the excellence of Spain in Road Safety, Infrastructure and Automotive and as outstanding subject to join all this to change the concept of “traffic” to “mobility.” He has also revealed the current great commitment of the DGT: the connected car.